2019年6月21日 星期五



(來源: aastock)

Blog主係之前拆解中電業務個陣(傳送門) 已經有講到澳洲的業務一直都比唔到應有的盈利﹐一直都只不過係得個做。13年中電就已經做過一次減值﹐個陣就減左30億。到左6年後就再黎多一次減值﹐預期就要減60-70億。原因就話澳洲聯邦政府管制個電價﹐而再加埋發電量因為煤炭供應電廠維修而下降。但原來呢樣野係今年5月公佈的2019年季度簡報(連結)已經有講到﹐仲講到明會重大影響到未來的收入。

(來源:2019年季度簡報(1月至3月)  連結)


Dennis Ip (Daiwa Securities):…… Finally, I understand that there is not much cash impact and the only impact probably will be the loss of the retail earnings happening in the future. I just want to make sure that our dividend policy would not be massively impacted by this retail business in EnergyAustralia. Thank you.

Richard Lancaster (中電CEO): ….Your third question was, I recall, on the dividend and the implications for the dividend. Clearly, we have looked at 2019 and if you look at the business as a whole we will be seeing a reduction in earnings from our Hong Kong business because of the lower permitted return. We also will see a reduction in India because of the sell-down to CDPQ. We had taken all of that into consideration, and yet we still had the confidence to increase our dividend at the end of first quarter, at 3%. Now, I cannot make any statements on behalf of the Board, but when you look at the materiality of this in the totality of our business, whilst the impairment is quite a large number, it is non-cash. I will leave it to you to judge, but in terms of the cash impact on our business, it is relatively small in the overall scheme of our business.


Wilson Ling (HSBC):… Just one question actually. For the past couple of years, CLP has been engaged in a value restoration strategy in Australia, which CLP has achieved by FY18. But due to this policy change in Australia, it could mean that we are taking a step back from that, meaning possibly a lower ROIC generated. I just want to ask about the strategy in Australia going forward – what are the things that CLP is going to do, maybe to keep on growing in the segment?

Richard Lancaster: …We do still see the value that we have in having a large customer base in Australia, the ability to operate in two main markets, in New South Wales and Victoria, where we have not only a strong retail business, but also a wholesale generating portfolio that is right sized for those retail businesses. So structurally, with a retail and wholesale business that provide that natural hedge, we do see this being a robust business model. … Our approach for more than three years now since 2015 is to get our business in the best possible shape – improve customer service, lower our costs, get our business operating as efficiently as we can and make sure we are doing everything we can to retain customers and develop our margin through improvements in efficiency and improvements in customer service. That remains our objective in Australia. …Going forward, a period of high prices is not going to be welcomed by customers or by regulators; we can see that and we understand that. High prices had been caused by a shortage of supply in a market which sees extreme weather putting pressure on electricity demand. High penetration of renewables coming into the system means there does need to be some investments made to stabilise prices to reduce some of the volatility. …So, whilst our strategy of value restoration is still key, the principles of that are essentially the principles of doing good business in a retail business. But we do also see a need for some investment over the coming years that will help the business in the longer term.

簡單D講﹐姐係唔好期澳洲係短期內會有咩重大的盈利增長﹐而早前推展的value restoration strategy就要再等下先至會見到。更重要的係最尾個句 But we do also see a need for some investment over the coming years that will help the business in the longer term.” 幾年仲要投資落澳洲先至可以令業務回復。

而今日明報就有篇新聞以 當地投資「多災多難」 雅洛恩電廠連翻撥備去形容中電係澳洲的業務﹐準確不過。
(來源: 明報)



